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The online alternative to marriage counseling

Which Marital Problems Am I Having?

Which marital problems am I having?

Every couple experiences marital problems—marriage ain’t easy! At the same time, spouses’ skills for dealing with relationship issues determine whether their marriage will overcome these problems or end in divorce. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t figured out how to solve all your marital problems yet. Knowing how to fix relationship issues isn’t something you’re born with and, unfortunately, there is a lot of bad marriage advice out there. Luckily, you can learn the skills to deal positively and lovingly with the challenges that life throws at your marriage.

See if any of these top 3 relationship issues ring true for your marriage and find out how Power of Two’s unique coaching approach can help.

We just don’t communicate very well—all we do is argue.

It is true that communication is the key to a healthy marriage (although it’s not the only key—be wary of any therapist who tells you that!). Great communication is a learned skill that thousands of professionals take classes for every year in order to be better lawyers, businesspeople, teachers, politicians and more. Unfortunately, nobody teaches married couples how to communicate effectively!

Power of Two gives you solid skills for communicating clearly, compassionately and effectively in your relationship. You can learn how to prompt your spouse to communicate back, regulate emotions, prevent arguments, and work collaboratively towards satisfying solutions to marital problems.

This sounds like me.

There’s no passion or spark in our marriage

Growing apart is a huge marital problem for many couples. Before you despair, know this: researchers have found that initial rush of feeling madly in love can only last up to two years at most. If you’ve committed to someone for a lifetime, your feelings for each other will change during those years. Sometimes you will feel a low, steady burn, and other times that old fiery passion will flare up. Don’t worry that because you aren’t “crazy in love” anymore you married the wrong person…or that you will never feel that way again.

At the same time, growing distant and loosing sexual connection is a real bummer. You can turn this around. Love isn’t a state of being, it’s a state of doing. Hundreds of little activities of warmth during your days build the foundation of that “being in love” feeling and make you enjoy each other. Power of Two has an entire library fun, easy activities to increase the warmth and positivity in your relationship and help you rediscover the daily joy of being in a romantic partnership.

This sounds like me.

I don’t trust him/her anymore

He lied and made a stupid deal, she gambled or cheated… Sometimes people do make mistakes, and many mistakes are repairable (for cases where they are not, see our article on good reasons to divorce). The key to recovering from a trust betrayal is a strong commitment to change in the erring spouse and the full support of the other. Power of Two can help you work through the emotional turmoil of rebuilding trust and give you a guide for making sure the behavior never happens again. It’s possible for a marriage to come out even stonger!

This sounds like me.


The bulk of divorces in America today take place for these three marital problems. Sadly, most couples give up on their marriages without knowing that these issues can actually be repaired. Become a member of Power of Two and learn how a skills-approach to marriage counseling can save your marriage.


Talk with your relationship coach today.
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Funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Health Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant 90-FE-0123.Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Health and Human Servies, Administration for Children and Families.